Sunday, July 26, 2015

Vegan sushi with cauliflower rice!

This recipe is to die for! Takes about 30 minutes to prepare, but looks like you slaved for hours perfecting these little gems. Also, you get 1 absolutely delicious serving of vegetables in one meal which is always a plus for this fruit-and-sweets-loving girl!

Serves 3-4

1 medium head of cauliflower
your choice of veggies
(carrots, green onion, avocado, button mushrooms, cucumber, bell peppers; whatever your little heart desires! You do you.)
3 sheets of nori

Start off by steaming your cauliflower in the microwave. I forgot to take pictures of this part. (Note to self: learn how to blog.) It took 10 minutes in my microwave. While that's steaming start cutting your veggies! To get the thin slices, I used a vegetable peeler but a mandoline would work much better!

(2nd note to self: Make sure your avocado doesn't get brown before you take pictures. See 1st note above.)

Once your cauliflower is steamed, strain the water and pulse in a blender or food processor until rice consistency!

When you have cauliflower rice, stick it in the freezer to cool. If it is too hot it will perforate your nori! Once it is cool, put your cauliflower rice in cheese cloth, a thin kitchen towel, or between two paper towels to get out the excess water. This is super important! You will have very soggy, yucky sushi if you skip this step! You will be surprised at how much water is hidden in the rice!

Now you're ready to roll! Spread a thin layer of rice on the nori, making sure to leave a small edge. Take a break to do your nails before you take pictures. Layer your veggies thinly across the first half of the nori and then roll! Go slowly and use both hands to keep it tight!

Ta-da! Vegan veggie sushi! Serve with soy sauce or Sriracha if you like a little kick. Enjoy this simple, impressive, and, most importantly, delicious meal!


3 detox juices

I have to admit that I got caught up in the juicing craze. After I saw Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead I was hooked. Also I thought if I didn't do a 60 day juice fast right then and there I would surely die from all the TOXINS floating around in my body!

Well, it turns out I didn't die. I don't have and evil army of toxins marching around in my blood just waiting to make their next move. But I have become a bit of a juice fanatic! Juicing is a great way to give your body a super concentrated slam dunk of nutrients, all in one brightly colored drink! And they taste great to boot! 

When I'm feeling a little sluggish or stressed, I whip out our juicer for a powerhouse of fruits and veggies. Perfect to get my energy up and give my body the nutrition it needs! 

Here are 3 of my favorite juice recipes! Enjoy the lovely nutrition!

Green Machine:
2 leaves green chard
3 leaves of Kale
1 1/2 c. green grapes
1/4 small lemon
1 thumb of ginger
1 med. cucumber

Just "beet" it:
1/4 lg. beet
2 large carrots
1 leave of green chard
1 1/2 small red plums
1/4 medium cucumber
1/4 small lemon
1 thumb ginger

Sweet potato sunrise:
1/2 large sweet potato
1/2 lemon
1 thumb ginger
1 1/2 small red plum
3 large carrots

Take a deep breath, drink some juice, and soak up some sun. Your body will thank you.